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IQ Gateway software release notes (8.2.4265)
November 22, 2024

IQ Gateway software version 8.2.4265, as part of factory-built gateways, supports grid-tied systems with IQ8 Series, IQ7 Series, and/or M Series Microinverters or third-party string inverters along with the IQ Battery 3T/10T, IQ Battery 5P, or AC Batteries.

  • Gateways supported: IQ Gateway Metered and IQ Gateway Standard
  • Countries: Albania, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Malaysia, Mauritius, Namibia, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Great Britain, and Vietnam

    1IQ Battery 5P supportThe factory-built gateways will support grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ8/IQ7 Series Microinverters or third-party string inverters and IQ Battery 5P in Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, and Netherlands.
    2Dynamic tariff (DT) supportThe factory-built gateways will support dynamic tariff configurations in Belgium, Germany, and Netherlands to optimize system behavior for maximum savings.
    3Discharge-to-grid (DTG) supportThe factory-built gateways will support discharge-to-grid functionality in Germany and Great Britain to increase monetary benefit for homeowners by exporting excess energy to the grid at times with high export rates.
  • Microinverters supported: IQ8 Series, IQ7 Series, M Series, and compatible third-party string inverters
  • Batteries supported: IQ Battery 3T/10T, IQ Battery 5P, and AC Batteries
  • Supported system configurations:  
    • Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, and Netherlands:
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters and/or IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with compatible third-party string inverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P
    • Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, and Greece:
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters and/or IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with compatible third-party string inverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
    • For all supported countries:
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Batteries
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Batteries
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters and/or IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Batteries
      • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with compatible third-party string inverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Batteries
      • Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters and IQ Gateway Metered or IQ Gateway Standard
      • Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters and IQ Gateway Metered or IQ Gateway Standard
      • Grid-tied Solar Only systems with M Series Microinverters and IQ Gateway Metered or IQ Gateway Standard

This release is being deployed via the factory for new gateways.

IQ Gateway software release notes (7.6.336)
December 8, 2023

IQ Gateway software version 7.6.336 supports IQ7 Series and M Series Microinverters along with IQ Battery 3T/10T and AC Battery for Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, Netherlands, and Switzerland.

  • Gateways supported: IQ Gateway Metered
  • Countries:  Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland
  • Microinverters supported: IQ7 Series, M Series, third-party string inverters
  • Batteries supported: IQ Battery 3T/10T, AC Battery
  • Supported system configurations:

    • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
    • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with compatible third-party string inverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
    • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
    • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Battery
    • Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Battery




    Bug fixes
    • Fixes the issue of multiple USB unplugged events observed in the Enphase Installer Portal.
    • Fixes the issue of microinverters, batteries, and other devices not reporting status by improving the Zigbee communication.
    • Fixes the issue of the Battery Management Unit (BMU) shutting down whenever the IQ battery is idle.
    • Fixes the issue of undesirable power consumption (tare loss) by the battery when in idle state.
    • Fixes the issue of IQ Battery maximum state-of-charge (SoC) being limited to 97% instead of 100%.
    • Fixes the issue of Phase Imbalance Management (PIM) getting enabled for single-phase systems.


    This release is being deployed via remote software upgrades for all systems.