Enphase legal notices and policies
Guidelines for Using Enphase Trademarks and Copyrights
Last Updated: February 1, 2023
A trademark or service mark is a word, name, symbol, device, design or phrase used to identify Enphase goods and services and to distinguish them from the goods and services of others.
A Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression, and covers Enphase’s websites, product images, documents, and other written or online materials.
These guidelines govern use of our trademarks and service marks, and copyrights, by authorized partners, including distributors, installers, customers, licensees, and other parties. These parties may use Enphase marks only when authorized by a specific license in writing, subject to and contingent on compliance with the terms of such license, and only for so long as the use is consistent with the following guidelines. As used below, the term “Authorized parties” refers to parties with such a specific written license, and these Guidelines do not grant any license to use Enphase Trademarks or Copyrights.
List of Enphase Trademarks and Service Marks
Enphase Energy, Inc.’s trademarks and service marks are listed below. The symbol (®, ™, ℠) following each mark is current for the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Marks should not be used as a noun; a generic noun should generally follow each mark, as suggested below. Other accurate generic modifiers are permissible.
House marks:
- Enphase® energy products and services
® energy products and services (in any color)
- Enphase Energy® energy products and services
The marks below are intended to be exemplary; similar protection applies to other product or version numbers.
Products and services:
Former names (do not use unless directed) | Current names |
![]() ™ (in any color) | ![]() ™ (in any color) |
Prior products:
- M175™ microinverter
- M190™ microinverter
- D380™ microinverter
- M215™ microinverter
- M250™ microinverter
- S230™ microinverter
- S270™ microinverter
- S280™ microinverter
- C250™ microinverter
- IQ6™/IQ6A™/IQ6X™/etc. microinverter
- AC Battery™
Previously-used marks (not for use unless Specifically directed):
- Energy Evolved™ slogan
- Energy Management System™ energy system
- Metering and Management Solution™ energy system
- Ensemble-in-a-Box™ energy system
- Solarstation™ unit
- Environ™ smart thermostat
- Nextricity™ brand
- Powering What’s Next™ slogan
- Next Phase Solar™ brand
- Sofdesk™ brand (and logo)
- Energy Periscope™ tool (and logo)
- Gridzilla™ product
- Arraygun™ tool
- Micro-string™ system
- GreenCom Networks™ brand
- S Shine it starts with you™ logo
- Shinecoins™ brand
- EIBP™ tool
- Neokii™ brand
Authorized Uses of Enphase Marks and Copyrights
Third parties may only use the above Enphase marks in the following situations:
1. Advertising, Promotional, and Sales Materials: Authorized parties may use the Enphase marks in advertising, promotional, and sales materials, but only as specified in their agreement with Enphase and consistent with these guidelines.
2. With Compatible Product Marketing: Authorized parties may refer to the Enphase marks as reference on their own product materials to describe that a third party product is compatible with the referenced Enphase product or technology, provided they comply with the following:
a. The mark is not part of the authorized parties’ product name.
b. The mark is used in a contextual phrase such as “compatible with” or “for use with” and such phrase accurately describes the relationship between the product and Enphase’s product or technology.
c. The Enphase mark is less prominent than the authorized parties’ product name and therefore there can be no doubt by a consumer that the product is not designed by, manufactured by, sponsored by, or otherwise affiliated with Enphase.
d. The use Enphase’s mark does not create any false sense of relationship (endorsement, sponsorship, association, agency, joint venture or partnership) with Enphase or Enphase products or services.
e. The use does not damages Enphase in any way, including by presenting Enphase in a false or detrimental way.
3. Publications, Seminars, and Conferences: Authorized Parties may use Enphase marks in book titles, magazines, newsletters, conferences, or similar provided they comply with the following requirements:
a. The use is a reference and is less prominent than the rest of the title. (e.g., “Proposal for Microgrid including Enphase Products” but not “Enphase Microgrid Proposal”)
b. The use presents Enphase and its products and services in a favorable light.
c. The authorized party’s name and logo are more prominent than the Enphase mark on all related materials.
d. The Enphase logo (stylized “e”) does not appear in any related materials.
e. A disclaimer is used stating that Enphase is not affiliated with such use in any related materials (such as a footer in promotional material or in the bottom of the publication); e.g., “Proposal for Microgrid including Enphase Products is an independent publication and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Enphase Energy, Inc.”
f. These trademark attribution guidelines are followed, including appropriate use of (®, ™, or ℠) and a footer or other credit notice.
4. Your own Images of Enphase Products: Authorized parties may use their own image of an Enphase Product in promotional/advertising materials to depict that a product is compatible with, or otherwise works with, the Enphase product or technology, provided you comply with the following requirements:
a. Your product is in fact compatible with the referenced Enphase product, and you are accurately conveying the relationship between your product and the Enphase product.
b. The image is your own actual photo of an Enphase product and not a graphical rendering (Note: You need to obtain written permission from Enphase before using any copyrighted photograph owned or licensed by Enphase).
c. The Enphase product is shown in the best light, in a manner that is favorable to Enphase.
d. The reference to Enphase does not create a false association, agency, joint venture or partnership with Enphase or its products.
5. Enphase Images: These Guidelines do not grant any rights to use Enphase images or other copyrighted materials. Authorized parties may use Enphase images and other copyrighted materials only if granted a written license, and such use is subject to and contingent on compliance with the terms of such separate written license.
6. Other Uses: Any other use of Enphase marks or copyrights not covered by these guidelines must receive written permission from Enphase prior to such use. Please contact legal@enphaseenergy.com with any requests for written permission.
Unauthorized Use of Enphase Marks
1. Disparaging Manner: You may not use Enphase marks in a manner that disparages Enphase or its products or services.
2. Company, Product or Service Name: You may not use or register any Enphase mark, even in part, except as specifically noted in these guidelines.
3. Variations, Takeoffs or Abbreviations: You may not alter or use any variation of the Enphase marks. For example, you may not use a misspelling, translation, takeoff, close variance, abbreviation, or distortion or visual manipulation of an Enphase mark.
4. Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use Enphase marks in a manner that would imply Enphase’s affiliation with or any other relationship with a third party product or service.
5. Merchandise Items: You may not manufacture, sell or distribute (even for free) any goods that bear Enphase marks unless you receive prior written permission from Enphase.
6. Enphase’s Trade Dress: You may not imitate the distinctive Enphase hardware or software designs, including the Enphase website or application design, use of the Enphase color orange (Pantone Matching System “PMS” color 1665), logos, or fonts.
7. Slogans and Taglines: You may not use or imitate an Enphase slogan or tagline.
8. Domain Names: You may not use an identical or virtually identical Enphase trademark as a second level domain name or any part of a second level domain name (e.g., you may register and use “myfavoriteinverters.com/enphase” but you may not register “myfavoriteenphasemicroinverter.com”)
9. Rights to Revoke Permission: Enphase reserves the right to revoke your rights to use Enphase trademarks if we determine that you have violated these policies or otherwise harmed Enphase by your use of Enphase trademarks. If we do so, you agree to immediately stop all use of the applicable mark.
How to Use Enphase Marks
1. Marks are adjectives and should be followed by a noun, typically the generic name of the related product or service (as indicated above). Marks are not nouns or verbs. (e.g., “IQ™ microinverters” is acceptable but not “the IQs™”).
2. Marks may not be used in the plural or possessive form. (e.g., “IQ8™ microinverter’s power” is acceptable but not “IQ8™’s power”)
3. Always capitalize the first letter in each word of a mark, and spell the marks exactly as they are shown above. Do not abbreviate or refer to marks in any short-hand form. Do not stylize or modify the mark other than to align use of the mark with the surrounding text.
4. When using the logo, follow the Enphase logo guidelines.
5. Use of Enphase marks requires attribution according to the following rules:
a. Distribution within the United States:
i. Use the appropriate notice symbol (®, ™ or ℠ as denoted in the mark list above) in the most prominent or first time the mark appears in the material; and
ii. Include a footnote or credit in the material, for example:
If registered, indicated by ® above:
_________ is/are (a) registered trademark(s) of Enphase Energy, Inc.
If unregistered, indicated by ™ or ℠ above:
_________ is/are (a) trademark(s) of Enphase Energy, Inc.
b. Distribution outside the United States only:
i. Do not use ®, ™ or ℠
ii. Include a footnote or credit in the material, for example:
If registered, indicated by ® above:
_________ is/are (a) registered trademark(s) of Enphase Energy, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
If unregistered, indicated by ™ or ℠ above:
_________ is/are (a) trademark(s) of Enphase Energy, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Limitations on the Use of Enphase Marks
Enphase marks and copyrights are valuable intellectual property of Enphase Energy, Inc. By following these guidelines you help us protect our valuable legal rights and strengthen brand identity for consumers. By using Enphase intellectual property, you are acknowledging that Enphase is the sole owner of the intellectual property and you promise that you will not interfere with our rights in the mark, including by challenging our rights or by attempting to establish, adopt, use, register, or attempt to register your own mark that in any way detriments Enphase. The goodwill derived from use of Enphase intellectual property–including use by a third party, is solely to the benefit of and owned by Enphase. Except for the express limited rights granted according to these guidelines or in a written agreement with Enphase, no other rights of any kind are granted to Enphase intellectual property rights.
To obtain written consent before using Enphase marks or for specific questions related to Enphase’s trademarks and copyrights, please submit your request to legal@enphaseenergy.com.