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PDF - 516.21 KB - Actualizado Feb 05, 2025
Enphase App release notes (25.1.2)
February 3, 2025

What’s new

For all Enphase App users: 

  1. Events History data is now retained for a longer duration 
    Extended the Events History retention period from 10 days to 180 days, ensuring long-term access to historical event data.

What’s fixed

  1. Refined the Microinverter not reporting logic to enforce additional checks before updating the system status to Error.
  2. Resolved the issue of the Monthly Report not containing AC Battery charge and discharge energy data.
Enphase Installer App release notes (4.5.0)
January 31, 2025

What’s new

For all installers:

  1. Advanced meter readings from Production and Consumption CTs

    • Installers can now view advanced readings, such as Power Factor, on the Meter Configuration page by selecting View Advanced Readings.

    self consumption meter image  self consumption meter image

  2. Enable production meter after adding microinverters
    • If microinverters are added for the first time, the consumption and production meters will be disabled. If the installer had previously enabled the meters before adding the microinverters, they will need to re-validate them.
  3. Ability to change Consumption CT measuring input

    • Installers can now change the Consumption CT configuration between Load only and Load with solar modes while navigating through the wizard.

    consumption meter

For North America installers:

  1. Set the default battery mode setting (in Illinois)

    The Enphase Installer App will automatically set the relevant battery mode based on the grid connection type chosen by the installer. 

For APAC and EMEA installers:

  1. Commission the IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase system in backup and grid-tied mode (in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland)
    • Depending on the availability of the new devices, installers can now commission the IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase, configured as three-phase, for both backup and grid-tied setups.
  2. Commission IQ EV Charger 2 in Europe (country-specific) from the Enphase Installer App

    • The installer can now commission IQ EV Charger 2 in Europe (country-specific) directly from the Enphase Installer App. The installer can commission, retire, and set Enphase Power Control to adhere to the grid connection rating.

    add details

What’s fixed

  • The message in one of the Consumption CT wizard's steps has been updated to provide clearer information on the system's behavior.

This release is being deployed via Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS) upgrades.

IQ Gateway software release notes (8.3.1070)
January 31, 2025

IQ Gateway software version 8.3.1070 supports the commissioning of Backup/grid-forming and non-backup/Grid-tied systems with IQ8 Series, IQ7 Series, and third-party string inverters, along with the IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.

  • Countries: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
1IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase commissioning support

Supports commissioning of IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase with IQ Combiner 2 EU 3P and software upgrade for standalone IQ Gateway non-backup/Grid-tied systems via Enphase Installer App.

Supports commissioning of IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase via the factory-based eSW in IQ System Controller for backup/grid-forming systems.

  • Gateways supported:
    • IQ Gateway Metered
  • Microinverters supported:
    • IQ8 Series, IQ7 Series, and third-party string inverters 
  • Batteries supported:
    • IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase
  • System controllers supported:
    • IQ System Controller 3 INT
  • Supported system configurations:  
    • Non-backup/Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.
    • Non-backup/Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.
    • Non-backup/Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters and IQ7/IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.
    • Non-backup/Grid-tied solar and storage systems with compatible third-party string inverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.
    • Backup/grid-forming solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ System Controller 3 INT, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.
    • Backup/grid-forming solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ System Controller 3 INT, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.
    • Backup/grid-forming solar and storage systems with third-party string inverters only or third-party string inverters with IQ7/IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ System Controller 3 INT, and IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.

This release is being deployed via either of the following methods:

The Enphase Installer App software upgrades for Non-backup/Grid-tied systems during the commissioning of IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase with IQ Combiner 2 EU 3P for standalone metered IQ Gateway.

Factory-based eSW for the gateways placed within the system controller for Backup/grid-forming systems during the commissioning of IQ Battery 5P with FlexPhase.