Expand any existing NEM system

Using Enphase technology, you can add more solar for California homeowners 
while preserving their NEM 1.0 or NEM 2.0 status.

In California, many homeowners on NEM 1.0 or 2.0 consume more energy than their existing solar systems produce. Relying on expensive grid energy to make up the difference means missing out on the full savings and earnings potential of a solar-powered home.

Homeowners can now expand their systems without being moved to NEM 3.0/NBT 

Existing systems can have either Enphase microinverters or another brand of inverter 

Add advanced functionality with battery backup and solar charging of electric vehicles

More capacity. More capabilities.

How it works


Identify homeowners
who produce less
than they consume




Determine expansion
size based on existing
production shortfall




Design and install an
expansion system to
meet their needs



Available configurations

The simplest and least expensive option to add a grid-tied expansion system, with or without batteries.


The best option for homeowners wanting to add an expansion system with battery backup capability.

NEM-expansion-Configuration 2

NOTE: Effective November 2024, utility companies have stopped accepting NGOM for system expansions. As an alternative, use configuration 1 or 2.


                                                              See more possible sub-configurations here.

Design considerations

  • The existing and expansion systems operate independently of each other
  • Only the existing system can export to the grid for NEM 1.0/2.0 credits 
  • 100% of the energy produced by the existing system can be exported at the NEM 1.0/2.0 rate  
  • Added batteries can only be charged by the expansion system  
  • The existing system may only have batteries attached in limited situations; see configuration diagrams for details
  • Use Solargraf to easily size and design the expansion system, determine if batteries would be useful, and generate a proposal showing potential savings

Get started

Add an expansion system to access powerful savings potential and support growing energy needs.

Application filing handbook

Step-by-step instructions for submitting expansion system applications to California utilities.


NEM 1.0/2.0 Expansion

Get an introduction and overview of NEM expansion
systems from the Enphase Training Team.

Watch video

NEM 1.0/2.0 Expansion Presentation

Everything you need to know about selling, sizing, and configuring NEM expansion systems.

Download now

Solargraf Expansion

See a short orientation video to learn more about using Solargraf to design your expansion systems. 

Watch video

Solargraf Expansion

Full details on using Solargraf to design expansion systems and generate proposals.

Read now