Installer newsletter

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Refer, reward, repeat
Refer, reward, repeat
Enphase referral program officially available for UK homeowners.

We are delighted to inform you that we officially started our UK Enphase Referral Program. The Referral Program is designed exclusively for our existing Enphase customers and rewards homeowners each time one of their friends installs a new Enphase solar system. Each time a referral installs a new Enphase solar system, Enphase will reward the referring person with 100 GBP worth of vouchers.

Enphase warranty center
Enphase warranty center
Enphase product warranty details are available on our website.

The confidence that we have in our products is reflected in our industry-leading warranties that provide comprehensive coverage. We created an easy overview of all warranty policies of our solar and storage products so that you can access it as a resource when you need it.

Enphase microinvter
Enphase microinvter
How to choose the right microinverter for your installations.

From the IQ 7A to the IQ X and the IQ 7, we have an easy comparison tool at our website where you can check which micro’s fit the best with a solar panel. And with one click, you can download our various product data sheets.

Acquisition de Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy.
Acquisition de Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy.
Enphase Energy acquisisce Clipper Creek.

Enphase Energy ha acquisito Clipper Creek, azienda statunitense operante nel mercato della ricarica dei veicoli elettrici. Questa acquisizione estende la leadership di Enphase nell’elettrificazione domestica e completa il suo attuale portfolio di soluzioni di Home Energy Management.

Enphase product warranty details are available on our website.
Enphase product warranty details are available on our website.
Enphase product warranty details are available on our website.

The confidence that we have in our products is reflected in our industry-leading warranties that provide comprehensive coverage. We created an easy overview of all warranty policies of our solar and storage products so that you can access it as a resource when you need it.

Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.
Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.
Zobacz naszą nową, ulepszoną stronę Enphase Polska

Niedawno zaktualizowaliśmy naszą polską stronę internetową, aby zapewnić lepsze doświadczenia zarówno dla użytkowników domowych, jak i instalatorów. Można na niej znaleźć informacje na temat wszystkich produktów Enphase dostępnych na rynku polskim, w tym mikroinwerterów serii IQ7 oraz innych komponentów.

Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Handige tool voor installeurs. Kies de micro die bij paneel past.

Van de IQ-7A tot de IQ-7X, we hebben op onze website een handige tool waar u makkelijk kan checken welke micro het beste bij een solar paneel past. En met 1 click kunt u snel onze datasheets downloaden. Bezoek nu onze volledig vernieuwde website om dit eens uit te proberen.

Sind Sie bereit Ihre erste Enphase IQ Batterie zu installieren?
Sind Sie bereit Ihre erste Enphase IQ Batterie zu installieren?
Sind Sie bereit Ihre erste Enphase IQ Batterie zu installieren?

Bevor Sie Ihre erste Enphase IQ Batterie installieren, sollten Sie unbedingt unseren Zertifizierungskurs absolvieren. Dies ist ein zwingend erforderlicher Schritt, der vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme notwendig ist und Ihnen und Ihrem Kunden Zeit spart.

Win a Harley Davidson LiveWire™.
Win a Harley Davidson LiveWire™.
Win a Harley Davidson LiveWire™.

In partnership with AC Solar Warehouse, we’re giving you the chance to win a piece of history – the first electric motorcycle by Harley Davidson. Go from 0-100 km in 3 seconds, travel 152 km on a single charge, and get massive bragging rights.

Les trucs et astuces Enphase!
Les trucs et astuces Enphase!
Non riesci proprio a partecipare ai nostri appuntamenti? Prenotati per febbraio!

Un installatore lo sa bene: nella realizzazione di un impianto fotovoltaico, la scelta del tipo di inverter è fondamentale. Se non l’hai già fatto, vieni a conoscere i rivoluzionari microinverter Enphase nei nostri appuntamenti webinar di febbraio. Scopri tutti i dettagli e registrati alla data che ti interessa di più.

How to choose the right microinverter for your installations.
How to choose the right microinverter for your installations.
How to choose the right microinverter for your installations.

From the IQ-7A to the IQ-X and the IQ-7, we have an easy comparison tool at our website where you can check which micro's fit the best with a solar panel. And with one click, you can download our various product datasheets.

Les trucs et astuces Enphase!
Les trucs et astuces Enphase!
Nowy cykl polskich webinariów jest już zaplanowany

Ostatnio dodaliśmy nowe terminy webinarów do naszego kalendarza online. Sprawdź je koniecznie. Zarejestruj się na jeden z nich, aby dowiedzieć się wszystkiego o Enphase.

Neem eens een kijkje op onze eStore.
Neem eens een kijkje op onze eStore.
Neem eens een kijkje op onze eStore.

Van Enphase jacks, polo's en T-shirts tot Envoys, kabels en onze IQ micro omvormers. Onze eStore biedt u de mogelijkheid al deze producten direct te kopen en is handig te bereiken via onze website. En wist u dat u bestellingen makkelijk kan volgen met de track-en-trace functie. Ga nu naar onze website om online winkel te ontdekken.

Noch besser & schneller planen mit dem Systemvorschlag aus unserem Anlagenplaner.
Noch besser & schneller planen mit dem Systemvorschlag aus unserem Anlagenplaner.
Sind Sie bereit Ihre erste Enphase IQ Batterie zu installieren?

Nutzen Sie unseren Anlagenplaner, um einfach und schnell einen ersten Vorschlag für Ihre Kunden eines Enphase Energy Systems zu erstellen. Dieses Planungstool enthält einen Vorschlag zu einer Systemkonfiguration, ein Cashflow-Modell und die jeweiligen Einsparungen im Vergleich zur aktuellen Energierechnung des Hausbesitzers.

Installer spotlight: Solaray Energy.
Installer spotlight: Solaray Energy.
Installer spotlight: Solaray Energy.

As one of the first adopters of Enphase products down under, Solaray Energy recently added to its status as an industry trailblazer and consumer champion by being the first Australian solar retailer to reach the prestigious milestone of 75,000 installed microinverters.

Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.
Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.
Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.

Il sistema energetico Enphase riunisce energia solare, batterie e software in un unico pacchetto completo, così ora potrai produrre, utilizzare, risparmiare e vendere la tua energia, il tutto attraverso un’applicazione intuitiva che ti permetterà di risparmiare sulle bollette e ridurre le tue emissioni.

Acquisition de Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy.
Acquisition de Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy.
Enphase Energy compra Clipper Creek.

Enphase Energy ha adquirido la empresa estadounidense de carga de vehículos eléctricos Clipper Creek. Con esta adquisición, Enphase entra en el creciente mercado de la carga de vehículos eléctricos y complementa su actual cartera de soluciones de gestión de energía para hogares.

Gaweł inżynier w Enphase Polska jest do Twojej dyspozycji.
Gaweł inżynier w Enphase Polska jest do Twojej dyspozycji.
Gaweł inżynier w Enphase Polska jest do Twojej dyspozycji

Poznaj Gawła, naszego inżyniera w Enphase Polska. Jeśli planujesz instalację systemu Enphase, możesz zapytać Gawła o wszystko, co sprawi, że będziesz spokojny. Od szczegółowych, technicznych pytań po ogólne sugestie, Gaweł jest do Twojej dyspozycji.

Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.
Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.
Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.

Het tijdperk van de domme omvormer is voorbij, dat van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken. Enphase leidt daarin de weg met geavanceerde micro-omvormertechnologie met een enorme intelligentie. Maar wat betekent dat nou exact? Wat zijn de voordelen en wat kunnen we verwachten in de toekomst? We vroegen het aan Martyn Berry, Director Technical Services van Enphase Energy.

Spotlight product. De nieuwe IQ Batterij.
Spotlight product. De nieuwe IQ Batterij.
Integration der IQ Batterie in den Stromkreislauf für ein Enphase Energy System.

Unsere beispielhaften Schaltpläne zur Integration der IQ Batterie in den Stromkreislauf bieten Ihnen einen Überblick über die häufigsten Fälle der Integration. Diese basieren auf der Erfahrung unserer Installationspartner und bilden somit eine gute Basis für Ihre Planung.

Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.
Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.
Enphase is proud to support Safer Solar.

Safer Solar is an initiative that aims to raise awareness of why MPLE solar technology is safer for homeowners, safer for electrical contractors, and safer for the future of the industry. Enphase, in conjunction with other stakeholders, is committed to improving solar power system safety in Australia.

Information technique à destination de nos installateurs en France métropolitaine.
Information technique à destination de nos installateurs en France métropolitaine.
Information technique à destination de nos installateurs en France métropolitaine.

Avec les micro-onduleurs de la série IQTM en association à la passerelle Enphase IQTM Gateway + les pinces de mesures correctement installées, il est possible de limiter le surplus de production qui sera réinjecté vers le réseau.

Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Calcolatore di compatibilità del modulo Enphase.

Ti sei mai chiesto quale micro-inverter sia il più adatto al modulo fotovoltaico che hai scelto? Usa il nostro calcolatore di compatibilità del modulo, risparmia tempo nell’installazione e offri ai tuoi clienti impianti fotovoltaici all’avanguardia.

Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.
Partecipa anche tu alla rivoluzione energetica.
Únete a la revolución energética.

Los sistemas de energía Enphase te ofrecen una solución completa para tu hogar combinado energía solar, baterías y software para que puedas producir, utilizar, ahorrar y vender tu propia energía, todo a través de una aplicación.Con nuestros sistemas, no sólo puedes reducir tus facturas sino también tu huella de carbono. Este es el futuro de la energía limpia que hemos estado esperando.

Neem eens een kijkje op onze eStore.
Neem eens een kijkje op onze eStore.
Neem eens een kijkje op onze eStore.

Van Enphase jacks, polo's en T-shirts tot Envoys, kabels en onze IQ micro omvormers. Onze eStore biedt u de mogelijkheid al deze producten direct te kopen en is handig te bereiken via onze website. En wist u dat u bestellingen makkelijk kan volgen met de track-en-trace functie. Ga nu naar onze website om online winkel te ontdekken.

Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Aan de slag met de Enphase Service Manager.

Gebruik de Enphase Service Manager om ondersteuningsverzoeken en garantieclaims online in te dienen. Onze Service Manager is een online applicatie waarmee u ondersteuningsverzoeken en garantieclaims kunt indienen zonder dat u ooit de telefoon hoeft te gebruiken. U kunt toegang krijgen tot Service Manager op door in te loggen met uw Enlighten gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. Of u kunt direct vanuit het Enlighten Installateur Dashboard op de Service Manager-widget klikken:

In the spotlight: Agrovoltaics.
In the spotlight: Agrovoltaics.
In the spotlight: Agrovoltaics.

Mr. Sunil, CEO of Hinren Engineering and a Gold Installer Partner of Enphase, shares his thoughts on agrovoltaics and how it impacts solar panel performance.

On-demand training: earn up to 50 CPD points.
On-demand training: earn up to 50 CPD points.
On-demand training: earn up to 50 CPD points.

Get a head start on your professional development requirements for 2022. Enphase University includes a seven-course PV installation certification that will earn you 30 CPD points, and another 20 CPD points are available via our on-demand webinars.

Les trucs et astuces Enphase!
Les trucs et astuces Enphase!
Les trucs et astuces Enphase!

Rejoignez-nous pour accélérer vos installations et apprendre quelques astuces avec notre formateur Pascal Teyssier. Poser vos questions en direct et apprendre.

Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tutto sotto controllo con Enphase Service Manager.

Cerca le tue richieste di supporto e gestisci quelle di garanzia. Potrai consultare queste informazioni in tempo reale ogni volta che vuoi, risparmiando la chiamata al Customer Service.

Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Calculadora de compatibilidad de Enphase.

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué microinversor es el más adecuado para el módulo fotovoltaico que has elegido? Utiliza nuestra calculadora de compatibilidad de módulos, ahorra tiempo en tus instalaciones y ofrece sistemas fotovoltaicos de última generación a tus clientes.

Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.
Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.
Het tijdperk van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken.

Het tijdperk van de domme omvormer is voorbij, dat van de slimme omvormer is aangebroken. Enphase leidt daarin de weg met geavanceerde micro-omvormertechnologie met een enorme intelligentie. Maar wat betekent dat nou exact? Wat zijn de voordelen en wat kunnen we verwachten in de toekomst? We vroegen het aan Martyn Berry, Director Technical Services van Enphase Energy.

Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Handige tool voor installeurs. Kies de micro die bij paneel past.

Van de IQ-7A tot de IQ-7X, we hebben op onze website een handige tool waar u makkelijk kan checken welke micro het beste bij een solar paneel past. En met 1 click kunt u snel onze datasheets downloaden. Bezoek nu onze volledig vernieuwde website om dit eens uit te proberen.

Webinar on Indian residential rooftop solar market.
Webinar on Indian residential rooftop solar market.
Webinar on Indian residential rooftop solar market.

Over 200 registrants attended the webinar covering topics from financial viability to system sizes and consumer types. The webinar from BRIDGE TO INDIA also showcased Enphase products and values such as safety, reliability, and more.

WA compliance for remote disconnect.
WA compliance for remote disconnect.
WA compliance for remote disconnect.

From 14 February 2022, all new and upgraded 5 kW or under residential solar systems connected to the Western Power distribution network in Western Australia must have the ability to be remotely deactivated in the event of an emergency. Enphase microinverter-based systems comply with this requirement out of the box.

Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.
Connaissez-vous l'outil de compatibilité de module Enphase.

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé quel micro-onduleur convient le mieux au module photovoltaïque que vous avez choisi ? Pour faire le meilleur choix, utilisez notre outil de compatibilité de module et installez en toute sécurité votre système photovoltaïque. Vous fournirez des systèmes photovoltaïques de pointe à vos clients.

La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.
La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.
La nuova gamma CT, più piccola e leggera.

Per semplificare il lavoro quotidiano degli installatori, Enphase Energy ha lavorato sul peso e sul formato dei nuovi TA. Più precisi ed efficienti, potranno, quindi, essere installati in spazi più ristretti, assicurando un maggiore livello di accuratezza nelle misurazioni.

Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Todo bajo control con Enphase Service Manager.

Consulta en tiempo real tus solicitudes de asistencia técnica y gestiona tus reclamaciones de garantía. Totalmente accesible y disponible cuando la necesitas, sin tener que realizar ninguna llamada a atención al cliente.

Evo Energy ontvangt Platinum EIN Award.
Evo Energy ontvangt Platinum EIN Award.
Evo Energy ontvangt Platinum EIN Award.

Evo Energie is opgericht door de broers Hans en Martin Jonker. De broers zijn al jaren betrokken bij allerlei activiteiten met betrekking tot het milieu. De effecten van de opwarming van de aarde dreef ze er toe steeds meer actief de worden in het kenbaar maken van de daarbij behorende gevolgen. Gevolgen voor vandaag, maar vooral ook voor die van morgen. Hun belangrijkste vraag: hoe kunnen we een positieve bijdrage leveren voor het behoud van de mens en de natuur. Lees mee op de website van Evo Energie (Platinum installateur binnen het Enphase Installer Netwerk).

Spotlight product. De nieuwe IQ Batterij.
Spotlight product. De nieuwe IQ Batterij.
Spotlight product. De nieuwe IQ Batterij.

De vraag naar energie opslag groeit als kool in Belgie. Waar in Vlaanderen de verkoop van thuisbatterijen vorig jaar nog nagenoeg nu was, werden er vorige jaar duizenden systemen bij particulieren geplaatst. De Enphase IQ batterij is snel populair aan het worden in Vlaanderen. Enphase IQ Batterijen zijn gebaseerd op een AC-architectuurplatform. Dit betekent dat je je systeem snel en eenvoudig kunt uitbreiden, naarmate je energy behoefte groeien.

Enphase installer training is on.
Enphase installer training is on.
Enphase installer training is on.

Installers learn about Enphase, our products and accessories, installation best practices, and more through the training. You can register for the next program at the Enphase website.

AS4777.2:2020 grid profile reminder.
AS4777.2:2020 grid profile reminder.
AS4777.2:2020 grid profile reminder.

We recently published a new suite of grid profiles to meet the latest regulations across the country. When selecting your grid profile in Enlighten or Installer Toolkit, be sure to choose the correct profile to ensure your installations are compliant.

Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.

Consultez vos demandes d'assistance et gérez vos demandes de garantie directement sur Enphase Service Manager. Grâce aux informations en temps réel, vous pouvez les consulter à chaque fois que vous en avez besoin et enregistrer cet appel à CS.

Distributor in the spotlight: Segen.
Distributor in the spotlight: Segen.
Distributor in the spotlight: Segen.

Segen is a leading global wholesale distributor of solar PV, energy storage systems, electric vehicle charging, and other associated components. They have been growing rapidly since being founded in the UK in 2005. Segen recognizes Enphase as one of the most innovative solar brands in the UK and offers the full Enphase portfolio to their customers.

La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.
La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.
La nueva gama de CT, más pequeña y ligera.

Para facilitar tu tarea diaria en el tejado, en Enphase Energy hemos trabajado en el peso y formato de los nuevos CT's. Como verás, ahora son más precisos y eficientes, se pueden instalar en espacios más pequeños y te permitirán registrar mediciones aún más precisas.

Grote belangstelling voor Enphase webinar Edwin van Gastel over de toekomst van solar onder Rutte 4.
Grote belangstelling voor Enphase webinar Edwin van Gastel over de toekomst van solar onder Rutte 4.
Grote belangstelling voor Enphase webinar Edwin van Gastel over de toekomst van solar onder Rutte 4.

Enphase wil installateurs graag ondersteunen met kennis. Niet alleen over producten, maar over over wat de markt doet. Het webinar van Edwin van Gastel (hoofdredacteur van Solar Magazine) met als onderwerp: wat is de toekomst van de solar industrie onder Rutte 4, werd uitermate goed bezocht. Heb je dit gemist, dan kan je het webinar terugkijken via deze link.

Nehmen Sie an unseren Webinaren und digitalen Events teil.
Nehmen Sie an unseren Webinaren und digitalen Events teil.
Nehmen Sie an unseren Webinaren und digitalen Events teil.

Wir haben kürzlich neue Termine für Webinare und digitale Veranstaltungen in unseren Online-Kalender aufgenommen. Sichern Sie sich noch jetzt Ihre Teilnahme.

Giveawatt installation: Stokes Bay Community Hall on Kangaroo Island.
Giveawatt installation: Stokes Bay Community Hall on Kangaroo Island.
Giveawatt installation: Stokes Bay Community Hall on Kangaroo Island.

As part of our Giveawatt social responsibility initiative, Enphase donated microinverters to a remote Kangaroo Island community devastated by Black Summer bushfires, so solar panels for its rebuilt hall can be easily monitored and managed from Adelaide.

La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.
La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.
La nouvelle gamme CT’s, plus petite et plus légère.

Pour faciliter le travail quotidien des installateurs, Enphase Energy a travaillé sur le poids et le format des nouveaux CT’s. Plus précis et performants, ils pourront donc être installés dans des espaces plus restreints et permettront de relever des mesures encore plus précises.

Product spotlight on Enphase AC Modules.
Product spotlight on Enphase AC Modules.
Product spotlight on Enphase AC Modules.

Optimised from the factory to the roof, the Enphase AC Module streamlines work across an installer's entire value chain. The result is better value for both installers and homeowners. Our industry-leading 25-year microinverter warranty is included in every AC Module. Check out our website for more information.

Obsługa klienta jest teraz bardziej zaawansowana.
Obsługa klienta jest teraz bardziej zaawansowana.
Obsługa klienta jest teraz bardziej zaawansowana

Wierzymy w doskonałość naszych klientów, dlatego też nieustannie staramy się poprawiać jakość naszych usług. Oprócz całodobowej infolinii dla instalatorów i właścicieli domów (w j. polskim, dostępnej w godz. 9.00-17.00 od poniedziałku do piątku), niedawno udostępniliśmy naszą aplikację Enlighten Manager dla właścicieli domów w języku polskim, zapewniając użytkownikom lepsze doświadczenia dzięki dostępności lokalnej wersji językowej.

Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Tout est sous contrôle avec Enphase Service Manager.
Aan de slag met de Enphase Service Manager.

Gebruik de Enphase Service Manager om ondersteuningsverzoeken en garantieclaims online in te dienen. Onze Service Manager is een online applicatie waarmee u ondersteuningsverzoeken en garantieclaims kunt indienen zonder dat u ooit de telefoon hoeft te gebruiken. U kunt toegang krijgen tot Service Manager op door in te loggen met uw Enlighten gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. Of u kunt direct vanuit het Enlighten Installateur Dashboard op de Service Manager-widget klikken:

How to choose the right microinverter for your installations.
How to choose the right microinverter for your installations.
Verringertes Brandrisiko mit Enphase Mikro-Wechselrichtern.

Brandschutz gehört weiterhin zu einem wichtigen Thema der PV-Planung. Unser aktualisierter Tech Brief gibt einen Überblick, warum Sie und Ihre Kunden mit einem Enphase Mikro-Wechselrichter immer auf der sicheren Seite sind.

Win 1 of 5 Flagship Hilti Impact Driver Kits.
Win 1 of 5 Flagship Hilti Impact Driver Kits.
Win 1 of 5 Flagship Hilti Impact Driver Kits.

There’s nothing better than working with the right tool for the job. That’s why for every 18 microinverters you purchase before 31 March 2022, you earn a ticket into a draw to win one of five Hilti Cordless Impact Driver kits. Each kit is valued at more than $1,200.

Acquisition de Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy.
Acquisition de Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy.
L'acquisition de la société Clipper Creek par Enphase Energy

Enphase Energy a acquis Clipper Creek, une entreprise américaine de recharge de véhicules électriques. Avec cette acquisition, Enphase entre sur le marché de la recharge des véhicules électriques et complète son portefeuille de solutions existantes de gestion de l'énergie domestique. Lire l'annonce.

CEO letter on confirmed and unscheduled orders to distributors.
CEO letter on confirmed and unscheduled orders to distributors.
CEO letter on confirmed and unscheduled orders to distributors.

There are currently some Enphase supply shortages and we are working with our suppliers to adapt to the situation. While we will be able to maintain the total supply previously confirmed for distribution, we must suggest alternate SKUs for some products. For more information, read the letter below from Enphase CEO Badri Kothandaraman.

Battery and PV system sizing requirements for IQ7 and prior models.
Battery and PV system sizing requirements for IQ7 and prior models.
Battery and PV system sizing requirements for IQ7 and prior models.

Please review the sizing guidelines for IQ7 and battery systems. The quick reference shows the maximum PV system power per battery installed. A critical part of the configuration and provisioning process, these guidelines will be required for every installation starting April 1 to ensure reliability.

Wiring changes to the Rapid Shutdown Switch with IQ System Controller 2.
Wiring changes to the Rapid Shutdown Switch with IQ System Controller 2.
Wiring changes to the Rapid Shutdown Switch with IQ System Controller 2.

Please note changes to wiring instructions for the Enphase Rapid Shutdown Switch (EP200G-NA-02-RSD) with IQ System Controller 2 units. Distributors and installers must follow the updated wiring schemes and diagrams as described in this memo to avoid delays or potential product damage due to RSD miswiring.

IQ8 training and certification is available online through Enphase University.
IQ8 training and certification is available online through Enphase University.
IQ8 training and certification is available online through Enphase University.

Enphase installers must complete online IQ8 training and certification in order to commission systems in the field. Enphase PV-certified installers can access training as an add-on qualification course within Enphase University. Non-certified installers can access the training by first completing an online PV assessment.

Read our technical briefs to train your team and stay up to date.
Read our technical briefs to train your team and stay up to date.
Read our technical briefs to train your team and stay up to date.

To help accelerate your onboarding and training, we have installation and technical briefs available to you online on the Enphase Support website. You can find articles and publications on best practices, IQ Battery installation, microinverter system sizing, and much more.

Starting April 15, training will be required for Sunlight Backup and all storage configurations.
Starting April 15, training will be required for Sunlight Backup and all storage configurations.
Starting April 15, training will be required for Sunlight Backup and all storage configurations.

Training and certification will be mandatory for all IQ7 and IQ8 Microinverters + Storage configurations beginning April 15. View the full list of certification requirements by product, including direct links to corresponding Enphase University courses, certifications, and webinar trainings.

The Enphase Community has a new web address.
The Enphase Community has a new web address.
The Enphase Community has a new web address.

In our effort to consolidate our digital assets and make it easier for you to find Enphase resources, we have moved the Enphase Community to a new web address. You can now find us at

Use the Enphase Brand Library for marketing materials.
Use the Enphase Brand Library for marketing materials.
Use the Enphase Brand Library for marketing materials.

Just a reminder that the Enphase Brand Library is the single destination to download all Enphase marketing materials, including videos, advertisements, social content, product one-sheets, presentations, product images, and more.

Name changes coming soon to Enphase apps.
Name changes coming soon to Enphase apps.
Name changes coming soon to Enphase apps.

We are pleased to inform the installer community that our simpler, descriptive product names are being rolled out in our apps. Installers and homeowners alike will start to see new hardware and system component product names, updated app icons in iOS and Android, and new product iconography over the coming weeks. Installer Toolkit will be renamed Enphase Installer App and Enphase Mobile will be renamed to the Enphase App.

Estimate materials with the new online BOM Calculator on the Enphase Installer Platform.
Estimate materials with the new online BOM Calculator on the Enphase Installer Platform.
Estimate materials with the new online BOM Calculator on the Enphase Installer Platform.

We are introducing an online Bill of Material (BOM) Calculator to simplify estimating the required materials for an Enphase Energy System. The BOM Calculator supports commercial and residential projects as well as Enphase IQ Battery integration. It provides flexibility to edit and create templates to autofill equipment costs. To access the BOM Calculator, log into Enlighten Manager. 

It's now easier than ever to connect your customer’s IQ Gateway to WiFi.
It's now easier than ever to connect your customer’s IQ Gateway to WiFi.
It's now easier than ever to connect your customer’s IQ Gateway to WiFi.

We are pleased to inform the installer community that our simpler, descriptive product names are being rolled out in our apps. Installers and homeowners alike will start to see new hardware and system component product names, updated app icons in iOS and Android, and new product iconography over the coming weeks. Installer Toolkit will be renamed Enphase Installer App and Enphase Mobile will be renamed to the Enphase App.

Benefits explained for the Enphase IQ Load Controller.
Benefits explained for the Enphase IQ Load Controller.
Benefits explained for the Enphase IQ Load Controller.

The Enphase IQ Load Controller prevents heavy loads from causing a microgrid collapse during an outage, eliminates excess PV while in microgrid formation to maintain PV to storage ratio, and streamlines parts procurement for installers.

Generator integration support for Enphase Energy System.
Generator integration support for Enphase Energy System.
Generator integration support for Enphase Energy System.

The Enphase Energy System can seamlessly integrate a compatible AC home standby generator for additional power during an extended grid outage. This allows a generator to operate simultaneously with solar to charge IQ Batteries and support home loads. This feature is available in the Enphase Installer App, and installers must take the generator integration certification training prior to commissioning.

Zigbee Wireless Range Extender and Range Test now available.
Zigbee Wireless Range Extender and Range Test now available.
Zigbee Wireless Range Extender and Range Test now available.

The Enphase Zigbee Wireless Range Extender can now be installed with Enphase systems in North America if RF quality is weak or unacceptable between components. The Range Extender acts as a repeater and provides a higher RF quality hop in the Zigbee mesh network. We recommend running a Range Test prior to installation to determine its need, suitability, and location. Certification training is required prior to commissioning.

Homeowner cell modem details now available in the Enphase Installer Platform.
Homeowner cell modem details now available in the Enphase Installer Platform.
Homeowner cell modem details now available in the Enphase Installer Platform.

We are delighted to inform you that the Enphase Installer Platform now provides homeowner cell modem details, including SKU, type, and expiry date. This will help you identify which homeowners have 3G cell modems installed, and who have already upgraded to a 4G cell modem.

ClipperCreek EV chargers are now available.
ClipperCreek EV chargers are now available.
ClipperCreek EV chargers are now available.

America’s most popular EV charging station, ClipperCreek, is now a division of Enphase. As fuel prices soar, demand for electric car chargers is soaring, too. Enphase is expanding the availability of ClipperCreek home and public charging stations effective immediately. You can now find a variety of charging station options for sale on the website for both residential and commercial use. ClipperCreek EV charging products are designed to be safe, reliable, and grid ready.

End of sales for IQ System Controller 1 and IQ Combiner 3-ES/3C-ES.
End of sales for IQ System Controller 1 and IQ Combiner 3-ES/3C-ES.
End of sales for IQ System Controller 1 and IQ Combiner 3-ES/3C-ES.

IQ System Controller 1 (formerly Enpower R1) and IQ Combiner 3-ES/3C-ES are no longer available for purchase and have been replaced with IQ System Controller 2 and IQ Combiner 4/4C. These new products are IQ8-ready and are backwards compatible with IQ6, IQ7, and M-series microinverters. They are currently offered at the same ADLP as the previous versions.

Learn more about IQ System Controller 2

Improved Service Manager experience for easier RMA reports.
Improved Service Manager experience for easier RMA reports.
Improved Service Manager experience for easier RMA reports.

Service Manager has new features that include allowing you to download an RMA report onto a spreadsheet and the ability to chat directly with our support team. We have also improved our intelligent auto-approval system to instantly approve more RMA requests of IQ devices.