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IQ Gateway software version 8.2.4401 supports backward compatibility of IQ8 Series Microinverters with existing IQ7 Series Microinverter sites in the countries mentioned below.
Countries: The United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, Brazil, and the Philippines
# Feature Description 1 Support for IQ7 and IQ8 mixed systems Supports backward compatibility of IQ8 Series Microinverters in the existing IQ7 Series Microinverter systems on the same IQ Gateway only in the following configurations:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems
- Grid-tied (without backup) solar and storage systems with IQ Battery 5P
- Grid-tied (without backup) solar and storage systems with IQ Battery 3T/10T
NOTE: IQ7 Series Microinverters cannot be added to a site with existing IQ8 Series Microinverters on the same gateway. A mixed system of IQ7 and IQ8 will not support IQ8-specific PCS features and grid-forming capabilities.
- Gateways supported:
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- IQ Combiner 5/5C/4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES and IQ Combiner 4/4C (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant)
- IQ Gateway and IQ Gateway (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant)
- Brazil and Philippines:
- IQ Gateway M
- IQ Gateway (only for Brazil)
- Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda:
- IQ Combiner 5/4 and IQ Combiner 4 (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant)
- IQ Gateway and IQ Gateway (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant)
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- Microinverters supported:
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8A-72-2-US, IQ8A-72-M-US, IQ8H-208-72-2- US, IQ8H-208-72-M-US, IQ8H-240-72-2-US, IQ8H-240-72-M-US, IQ8MC-72-M-US, IQ8AC-72-M-US, IQ8HC-72-M-US, IQ8M-72-2- US, IQ8M-72-M-US, IQ8P-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS- 72-M-US, IQ8X-80-M-US)
- IQ7 Series (all SKUs)
- Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda:
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8A-72-2-US, IQ8A-72-M-US, IQ8H-208-72-2- US, IQ8H-208-72-M-US, IQ8H-240-72-2-US, IQ8H-240-72-M-US, IQ8MC-72-M-US, IQ8AC-72-M-US, IQ8HC-72-M-US, IQ8M-72-2- US, IQ8M-72-M-US, IQ8P-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS- 72-M-US, IQ8X-80-M-US (only for Canada))
- IQ7 Series (all SKUs)
- Brazil:
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8P-72-2-BR)
- IQ7 Series (IQ7AM and IQ7Plus)
- Philippines:
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8P-72-2-US)
- IQ7 Series (all SKUs)
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- Batteries supported:
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- Third-generation IQ Batteries: IQ Battery 5P
- Second-generation IQ Batteries: IQ Battery 3T/10T
- First-generation IQ Batteries: IQ Battery 3/10
- Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda:
- Third-generation IQ Batteries: IQ Battery 5P
- Second-generation IQ Batteries: IQ Battery 3T/10T
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- Supported system configurations:
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters & IQ7 Series Microinverters (mixed) and IQ Combiner 5/5C or IQ Combiner 4/4C (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IQ Gateway (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Gateway
- Grid-tied (without backup) solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series & IQ7 Series Microinverters (mixed), IQ Battery 5P, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-tied (without backup) solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series & IQ7 Series Microinverters (mixed), IQ Battery 5P, IQ Combiner 4/4C (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IQ Gateway (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-tied (without backup) solar and storage systems with IQ8 Series & IQ7 Series Microinverters (Mixed), IQ Battery 3T/10T, IQ Combiner 5/5C or IQ Combiner 4/4C (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IQ Gateway (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 1
- Canada, Mexico and Bermuda:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ8 Series & IQ7 Series Microinverters (mixed), and IQ Combiner 5 or IQ Gateway (IEEE 1547-2018 compliant) or IQ Gateway
- Brazil and Philippines:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ8P and IQ7 Series Microinverters (mixed), and IQ Gateway M
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ8P and IQ7 Series Microinverters (mixed), or IQ8P Microinverters and IQ Gateway (only for Brazil)
- Puerto Rico and the United States:
This release is being deployed via the Enphase Installer App to systems with IQ8 Series and IQ7 Series (mixed) Microinverters.
IQ Gateway software version 8.2.4378 improves the performance of the Enphase Energy System for the countries listed below. It also supports busbar overload control and Enphase electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) dynamic load balancing Power Control System (PCS) features for the United States and Puerto Rico.
- Countries: United States, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico
Release notes:
# Feature Description 1 Introduces the Power Control (PCS) main panel upgrade avoidance (MPUA) with busbar overload control feature for the United States and Puerto Rico Supports MPUA with busbar overload control for Solar Only systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters and grid-tied or grid-forming Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters and IQ Battery 5P.
Power Control with busbar overload control accelerates the system payback period by enabling maximum renewable energy generation. This feature enables the safe installation of larger solar and battery systems while maximizing power through a larger backfeed—without costly upgrades to the main panel.2 Introduces the Enphase IQ EV Charger Power Control System (PCS) feature for the United States and Puerto Rico The dynamic load balancing PCS feature in the Enphase IQ EV Charger is designed to monitor the total energy consumption of your home. This feature is crucial as it ensures that the charger adjusts its charging current based on the home’s overall power usage. This is supported for all models of the IQ EV Charger (IQ-EVSE-NA, 40 A, 50 A, 60 A, and 80 A) installed with an IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner.
This enables the installation of a more powerful IQ EV Charger by avoiding main breaker trips when home loads are extremely high—saving installation costs that would otherwise be incurred by main breaker/service upgrades.3 Supports full Off-Grid operation - Supports microinverter phase association during Off-Grid operation and keeps communication healthy with the gateway.
- Provides an option to configure the system to operate Off-Grid via the Enphase Installer App or Enphase Installer Portal using a gateway REST API.
4 Improves IQ Battery 5P battery management unit (BMU) behavior - Improves State-of-Charge (SoC) calibrations under lower and higher SoC conditions.
- Resolves an issue with battery power conversion units (PCU) pre-charge, which helps recover the battery from extreme low SoC conditions.
- Fixes an issue with a continuous battery software reset event when a software update is tried while the battery is in a very low SoC condition.
- Correct an issue where the BMU reads the cell voltage incorrectly and becomes non-operational when the DC Switch is turned off and on.
- Fixes an issue seen on sites with M Series Microinverters; a rare instance of SoC drop was observed due to manual SoC calibration done by the Battery Controller as part of compensating leakage current.
- Corrects a sudden jump in the battery SoC value due to forced calibration of the SoC.
- Addresses incorrect State-of-Health (SoH) calibration when the battery unit charges fully and then discharges more than 50% of its capacity
5 Faster battery charging for Off-Grid systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters This software release enables faster charging and more reliable state of charge (SoC) recovery for Off-Grid batteries connected to systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters. This improvement is achieved by changing the following parameters for IQ7 Series Microinverters:
- Reduced entry service time: The entry service time is minimized to just 1 second.
- Increased ramp rate: The ramp rate is boosted to 100% per second.
These enhancements are activated only when an IQ System Controller is present and functioning normally. This ensures that the controller manages grid interconnection parameters in accordance with utility requirements, rather than relying solely on the photovoltaic (PV) microinverters.
6 Improves cloud reporting behavior - The Enphase App sends homeowner notifications when there is a grid outage and the battery SoC is below 50%, 30%, or a very low SoC. These notifications will be sent until grid power is restored.
- Increases the amount and frequency of data reported to the Enphase Cloud when IQ Gateway connectivity is restored after loss of internet connection.
- Fixes an issue where IQ Battery telemetry data gets missed, leading to spikes in graphs on the Enphase Installer Portal.
- Includes phase imbalance management (PIM) system settings in the configuration report.
7 Bug fixes and feature enhancements - Disables the PV breaker open detection in the IQ System Controller (version 1) since it is unnecessary for system controller versions that do not support IQ8 Microinverters.
- Addresses meter spikes that are observed during software upgrades.
- Resolves an issue with battery CPU memory access faults during software upgrades.
- Corrects an issue where the IQ Batteries showed low DC voltages under fully charged conditions.
- Fixes an issue where microinverters were down due to boot-diode failure.
- Removes stale alarms caused by time synchronization issues between the gateway and the Enphase App.
- Enhances security features.
- Gateways supported:
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- IQ Combiner 5/5C/4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES and IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C
- IQ Gateway and IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway
- IQ Gateway Commercial and IQ Gateway Commercial 2
- Envoy S Metered and Envoy S Standard for North America
- Brazil and Philippines:
- IQ Gateway M
- IQ Gateway Commercial
- IQ Gateway (only for Brazil)
- Bermuda, Canada, and Mexico:
- IQ Combiner 5/4, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4
- IQ Gateway, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway
- IQ Gateway Commercial, IQ Gateway Commercial 2 (Only for Canada and Mexico)
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- Microinverters supported:
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8A-72-2-US, IQ8A-72-M-US, IQ8H-208-72-2-US, IQ8H-208-72-M-US, IQ8H-240-72-2-US, IQ8H-240-72-M-US, IQ8MC-72-M-US, IQ8AC-72-M-US, IQ8HC-72-M-US, IQ8M-72-2-US, IQ8M-72-M-US, IQ8P-3P-72-E-US, IQ8H-3P-72-E-US, IQ8P-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-M-US, IQ8X-80-M-US)
- IQ7 Series
- IQ6 Series
- M Series
- S Series
- Bermuda, Canada, and Mexico:
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8A-72-2-US, IQ8A-72-M-US, IQ8H-208-72-2-US, IQ8H-208-72-M-US, IQ8H-240-72-2-US, IQ8H-240-72-M-US, IQ8MC-72-M-US, IQ8AC-72-M-US, IQ8HC-72-M-US, IQ8M-72-2-US, IQ8M-72-M-US, IQ8P-3P-72-E-US (only for Canada and Mexico), IQ8H-3P-72-E-US (only for Canada and Mexico), IQ8P-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-M-US, IQ8X-80-M-US (only for Canada))
- IQ7 Series
- Brazil
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8P-72-2-BR)
- Philippines
- IQ8 Series (SKU - IQ8P-72-2-US)
- IQ7 Series
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- Batteries supported:
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- IQ Battery 5P, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
- Bermuda, Canada, and Mexico:
- IQ Battery 5P, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- System controllers supported:
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- IQ System Controller 3/3G/2, IQ System Controller
- Bermuda, Canada, and Mexico:
- IQ System Controller 3/3G/2
- United States and Puerto Rico:
- Supported system configurations:
- The following configurations are supported in the United States and Puerto Rico:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with M Series or S Series Microinverters and Envoy S Metered or Envoy S Standard for North America
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters and IQ Combiner 5/5C/4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IQ Gateway
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters and IQ Combiner 5/5C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters and IQ Combiner 5/5C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series or IQ7 Series Microinverters and IQ Gateway Commercial
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Commercial Microinverters (SKU- IQ8P-3P-72-E-US, IQ8H-3P-72-E-US) and IQ Gateway Commercial 2
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, IQ Combiner 5/5C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, IQ Combiner 5/5C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with M Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, Envoy S Metered for North America, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with M Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, Envoy S Metered for North America, and Communications Kit
- Sunlight Backup systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Sunlight Backup systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ System Controller 3/3G, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Sunlight Backup systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ System Controller 2, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with M215 or M250 Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, Envoy S Metered for North America, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, IQ System Controller 1/2, IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, IQ System Controller 1/2, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 5/5C/4/4C or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, IQ System Controller 2, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 5/5C/4/4C or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with M215 or M250 Microinverters, IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T, IQ System Controller 1/2, Envoy S Metered for North America, and Communications Kit
- Grid-forming (with backup) Battery Only systems with IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5/5C
- Grid-forming (with backup) Battery Only systems with IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C or IQ Combiner 4/4C/3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-tied (without backup) Battery Only systems with IQ Battery 5 and IQ Combiner 5/5C or IQ Gateway with Communications Kit 2 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway with Communications Kit 2
- Note: The following features are supported only in these specific configurations.
- Load Control and Generator Support are supported in configurations 15 through 30.
- Solar circuit control (PV shedding) is supported in configurations 15 through 28.
- The following configurations are supported in Bermuda, Canada, and Mexico:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters and IQ Combiner 5 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters and IQ Combiner 5 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 5P, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway and Communications Kit 2
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3T/10T, IQ System Controller 2, and IQ Combiner 5 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-forming (with backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Battery 3T/10T, IQ System Controller 3/3G, and IQ Combiner 5 or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IQ Gateway, and Communications Kit
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series or IQ8 Series Microinverters (SKU- IQ8P-3P-72-E-US, IQ8H-3P-72-E-US, IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-M-US), IQ Gateway Commercial (only for Canada and Mexico)
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Plus Batteries systems with IQ7 Series or IQ8 Series Microinverters (SKU- IQ8P-3P-72-E-US, IQ8H-3P-72-E-US, IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ8PLUS-72-M-US) and IQ Gateway Commercial 2 (only for Canada)
- The following configurations are supported in Brazil and the Philippines:
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series or IQ8P Microinverters and IQ Gateway M or IQ Gateway Commercial
- Grid-tied (without backup) Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series or IQ8P Microinverters and IQ Gateway (Only for Brazil)
- The following configurations are supported in the United States and Puerto Rico:
This release is being deployed to all IQ Gateway, IQ Combiner, Envoy S Metered, and Envoy S Standard devices stated above through remote software upgrades for existing systems. Note that this release is currently being deployed to sites connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Sites connected to the internet via Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modems will receive a different software version as a maintenance release at a later date.
IQ Gateway software version 7.6.336 supports IQ7 Series and M Series Microinverters along with IQ Battery 3T/10T and AC Battery for Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, Netherlands, and Switzerland.
- Gateways supported: IQ Gateway Metered
- Countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland
- Microinverters supported: IQ7 Series, M Series, third-party string inverters
- Batteries supported: IQ Battery 3T/10T, AC Battery
Supported system configurations:
- Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
- Grid-tied solar and storage systems with compatible third-party string inverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
- Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and IQ Battery 3T/10T
- Grid-tied solar and storage systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Battery
- Grid-tied solar and storage systems with M Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway Metered, and AC Battery
Feature Description 1
Bug fixes - Fixes the issue of multiple USB unplugged events observed in the Enphase Installer Portal.
- Fixes the issue of microinverters, batteries, and other devices not reporting status by improving the Zigbee communication.
- Fixes the issue of the Battery Management Unit (BMU) shutting down whenever the IQ battery is idle.
- Fixes the issue of undesirable power consumption (tare loss) by the battery when in idle state.
- Fixes the issue of IQ Battery maximum state-of-charge (SoC) being limited to 97% instead of 100%.
- Fixes the issue of Phase Imbalance Management (PIM) getting enabled for single-phase systems.
This release is being deployed via remote software upgrades for all systems.
IQ Gateway software version 7.3.621 improves system stability.
Gateways supported: IQ Gateway, IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway and IQ Combiner 4/4C, Envoy S Metered for North America, Envoy S Standard for North America, IQ Gateway Commercial, IQ Gateway M
Countries: U.S., Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Philippines
Microinverters supported: IQ8 Series, IQ7 Series, IQ6 Series, M Series, S Series
Supported system configurations:
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with M Series or S Series Microinverters, Envoy S Metered for North America or Envoy S Standard for North America
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series or IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7AM Microinverters, IQ Gateway (residential) in Brazil and Mexico
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7AM Microinverters, Envoy S Metered EM in Brazil and Philippines (230 V, 60 Hz systems only)
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Commercial Gateway in Brazil and Philippines (230 V, 60 Hz systems only)
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7AM Microinverters, IQ Gateway Commercial in Brazil, Mexico, and Philippines (230 V, 60 Hz systems only)
Sunlight Backup systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C, and IQ System Controller 2
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C, IQ System Controller 1/2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C, IQ System Controller 1/2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C, IQ System Controller 2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with M215 Series or M250 Series Microinverters, Envoy S Metered for North America, IQ System Controller 1/2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Note: The following features are supported only in specific configurations above:
Load Control, Generator Support, and solar circuit control (PV shedding) are supported in configurations 8 through 12.
Grid services are supported in configurations 9 through 12.
Release notes:
# | Feature | Description |
1 | Bug Fixes and Feature Enhancements |
This release is being deployed via remote software upgrades for existing systems.
IQ Gateway software version 7.3.617 improves grid transition reliability, system stability, Zigbee communication, Wi-Fi communication, and the commissioning process.
Gateways supported: IQ Gateway, IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C, IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway and IQ Combiner 4/4C, Envoy S Metered for North America, Envoy S Standard for North America, IQ Gateway Commercial, IQ Gateway M
Countries: U.S., Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Philippines
Microinverters supported: IQ8 Series, IQ7 Series, IQ6 Series, M Series, S Series
Supported system configurations:
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with M Series or S Series Microinverters, Envoy S Metered for North America or Envoy S Standard for North America
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series or IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C
Grid-tied Solar Only systems with IQ7AM Microinverters and IQ Gateway (residential) in Brazil and Mexico
Grid Tied Solar Only systems with IQ7AM Microinverters and IQ Gateway M in Brazil and Philippines (230 V, 60 Hz systems only)
Grid Tied Solar Only systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters and IQ Commercial Gateway in Brazil and Philippines (230 V, 60 Hz systems only)
Grid Tied Solar Only systems with IQ7AM Microinverters and IQ Gateway Commercial in Brazil, Mexico, and Philippines (230 V, 60 Hz systems only)
Sunlight Backup systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C, and IQ System Controller 2
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with IQ6 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C, IQ System Controller 1/2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with IQ7 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 3/3C/3-ES/3C-ES/4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C, IQ System Controller 1/2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with IQ8 Series Microinverters, IQ Gateway or IQ Combiner 4/4C or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Gateway or IEEE 1547-2018 compliant IQ Combiner 4/4C, IQ System Controller 2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Home Essentials Backup or Full Energy Independence systems with M215 Series or M250 Series Microinverters, Envoy S Metered for North America, IQ System Controller 1/2, and IQ Battery 3/3T/10/10T
Note: The following features are supported only in these specific configurations above.
Load Control, Generator Support, and solar circuit control (PV shedding) are supported in configurations 8 through 12
Grid Services are supported in configurations 9 through 12
Release notes:
# | Feature | Description |
1 | Improvements to system stability | 1. Improves the software commissioning update sequence for IQ Batteries by verifying multimode configuration parameter update status via events, and makes sure that during commissioning grid-forming configuration is set. This also disallows the installer from proceeding to functional validation before IQ Batteries are ready, thereby preventing a microgrid collapse and delays in commissioning. 2. Fixes an issue with automatic circuit phase detection for 208 V line-to-line split-phase 120-degree phase shift systems with IQ7 Microinverters. 3. Fixes an issue where grid transition failures happened during the following scenarios:
4. Fixes an issue of microgrid regulatory shutdown after islanding detected due to grid outage, by changing the IQ System Controller off-grid under voltage trip time from 100 ms to 300 ms. 5. Fixes an issue where High-Frequency Ride Through conditions cause microgrid collapse. |
2 | Enhancements to interface with the Enphase Cloud | 1. Supports faster retrieval of Wi-Fi SSIDs from the IQ Gateway to Enphase App using Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol over any active internet connection. This lets the homeowner connect to a Wi-Fi network faster and without connecting to the gateway’s local Access Point (AP) mode. 2. Supports automatic AP mode activation whenever an IQ Gateway loses its internet connection. This allows the homeowner to configure the alternate Wi-Fi network via AP mode in the absence of an internet connection, and without pressing the physical AP mode button on the IQ Gateway. 3. Supports setting up the polling and reporting intervals for a system with cell modem connectivity, and prevents reset of interval values due to a change in IQ Gateway diagnostic mode. 4. Improves handling of sending performance reports at regular intervals without any loss of any performance report. 5. Supports REST APIs for enabling and disabling the MID open detection and PV Breaker open detection logics using micro-DMIR change. |
3 | Improvements to IQ Battery behavior | 1. Improves system Sunlight Jump Start response time. 2. Prevents grid transition failure due to IQ Battery microinverters slow ramp, triggered by momentary cessation, kicked in just before anti-islanding detection. 3. Supports enabling and disabling Permission To Operate (PTO) for IQ Batteries on site from the Enphase Installer Portal. The feature prevents IQ Batteries from discharging to load or grid until the permission is enabled, and ensures IQ Batteries are able to maintain a healthy State of Charge (SoC). The status of the IQ Battery function is indicated in Enphase Installer Portal as a stateful event whenever the IQ Battery function is disabled. 4. Fixes an issue where an IQ Battery stops discharging to load when the peak hours overlap with must charge duration. 5. Improves the battery controller detection of microinverters in an IQ Battery by checking the operational state of microinverters. 6. Fixes an issue where the power from IQ Batteries was not being used to support the load when aggregate SoC is greater than reserved SoC. 7. Fixes an issue where the aggregate SoC drops in M Series Microinverter systems when Full Backup mode is selected. 8.Prevents the periodic forced SoC calibration in the Battery Management Unit and maintains battery SoC at approximately 97% by sending a manual SoC calibration message to the BMU after checking cell voltages. |
4 | Improvements to the commissioning and software upgrading process | 1. Improves the software upgrade process by checking versions of all the microinverters in IQ Batteries and triggering automatic upgrade if any microinverter’s firmware version is different from other microinverters. 2. Fixes an issue where the Enphase Installer App was blocked and showing an error while an IQ Gateway software upgrade was in progress. 3. Fixes an issue where multiple firmware upgrade retries happen when the IQ Battery firmware is not updated. 4. Improves the commissioning experience via the Enphase Installer App by logging the upgrade flow in IQ Gateway, including status messages and error messages. 5. Fixes an issue where a software upgrade using the Enphase Installer App fails due to communication loss between the IQ Gateway and the Enphase Installer App. 6. Enhances inventory report with inclusion of the phase association information of each inverter. |
5 | Improvements to Zigbee and Wi-Fi communication | 1. Improves handling of unknown grid mode conditions by increasing the unknown grid mode expiry timer to 12 hours to ensure the IQ System Controller connects back to the grid. 2. Enhances the Zigbee communication loss recovery mechanism during failures. 3. Enhances MQTT client connection loss with MQTT broker recovery mechanism by refreshing the Domain Name System (DNS) cache. 4. Fixes an issue where Zigbee communication between the IQ System Controller and the IQ Battery becomes stuck after an IQ Gateway powers down. 5. Fixes an issue where the Zigbee dongle was undetected after a software upgrade. |
6 | Bug fixes and feature enhancements | 1. Fixes an issue where multiple retries were required to upgrade the software on IQ Batteries. 2. Fixes an issue where repeated battery BMU reset events were reported. 3. Fixes an issue where a generator relay toggles until off-grid to on-grid transition sequence is completed. 4. Fixes an issue where the update manager did not detect the existence of an update image after the software upgrade was interrupted. 5. Removes the repeated “Systems Ghz Comms Signal Low” events which occur after a software upgrade. |
This release is being deployed via remote software upgrades for existing systems.
Note: Enphase only deploys this software release to system configurations 1 to 7, as described above in the “Supported system configurations” section. Other configurations will be upgraded in a future software release.
IQ Gateway software version 7.0.86 introduces updated security measures, new product support and is the next major worldwide release version of IQ Gateway embedded software. To read more about how to access Envoy locally with enhanced security, visit our webpage here:
Platforms Supported: IQ Envoy, Envoy S Metered, Envoy S Standard
Geographies: Worldwide
Microinverters Supported : M-Series, S-Series, IQ6, IQ7, IQ8
# | Feature | Description |
1 | Support for IQ8 Series Microinverters | IQ Gateway SW 7.0 supports IQ8 microinverters in North America in grid-tied applications |
2 | Enhanced Security | The security infrastructure for accessing IQ Gateways using local APIs has been upgraded. The system now uses a token-based authentication mechanism to allow access for local data instead of a username/password combination. Read more about the local data access security here |
3 | Enphase Cellmodem Support | The new Enphase Cellmodems CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05 and CELLMODEM-M1-06-AT-05 are now supported by IQ Gateway for plug-and-play install |
4 | IQ Battery and System Controller Support | IQ Gateway SW 7.0 makes your system easy-to-upgrade to incorporate IQ Battery storage and System Controller in future |
5 | Reporting Enhancements for Metering Data | IQ Gateway can now increase the reporting frequency to Enphase Cloud on-demand for live debugging of the system in case of system issues. This can reduce the time to fix a potential system issue. The PV system will now support live status and live vitals with this update |
6 | PCS Support | IQ Gateway 7.0 supports Power Control System (PCS) to avoid main panel upgrade when oversizing M-Series/IQ6/IQ7 PV inverters in North America for installations using an IQ System Controller. You can read more about this feature here |
7 | Bug Fixes and Feature Enhancements | IQ Gateway SW 7.0 fixes a few bugs and improves the stability of system features in the existing IQ Gateway SW release |