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The following settings must be set up correctly for Enphase Energy Systems to operate accurately under NEM 3.0:
1. Grid Connection Type
The Grid Connection Type sets rules for solar systems to exchange electricity with the utility grid, and determines how system owners will be billed or compensated for the exchange.
Net Billing Tariff (NEM 3.0) is the correct setting for systems under NEM 3.0.
2. Interconnection Date
The Interconnection Date is the date on which the interconnection application was submitted to the utility. It determines the export rates that will be applicable to the system.
The interconnection date for NEM 3.0 systems should be on or after the NEM 2.0 sunset date, which was April 15, 2023.
3. Battery Operating Mode
The Battery Operating Mode determines the rules for the storage system to exchange energy with the utility grid. Under NEM 3.0, the battery can operate in either Export Only or Import Only mode.
Under Export Only, storage can discharge to the grid, but can only be charged from PV. Under Import Only, storage can charge from the grid, but cannot export to the grid.
Battery Operating Mode is only applicable for NEM 3.0 systems with storage. To maximize electricity bill savings, the mode must be set to Export Only.
These settings can be selected using the Enphase Installer App during commissioning, or through the Enphase Installer Portal.
NEM 3.0 system settings can be selected through the Enphase Installer App during commissioning, or through the Enphase Installer Portal.
The following information is required for NEM 3.0 systems:
# | Settings | Accepted values |
1 | Grid Connection Type | Net Billing Tariff (NEM 3.0) |
2 | Battery Operating Mode* | Export Only Import Only |
3 | Interconnection Date | Date in mm/dd/yyyy format |
*Battery Operating Mode is only applicable for NEM 3.0 systems with storage.
Battery export must be enabled in two locations:
1. On the utility interconnection agreement.
2. In the Enphase Energy System settings via either:
a) the Enphase Installer App;
b) the Enphase Installer Portal.
Using the Enphase Installer App for NEM 3.0 system settings:
Using the Enphase Installer Portal for NEM 3.0 system settings:
Setting up a NEM 3.0 system without all the required information, or with incorrect details, may result in compliance violation or sub-optimal system performance.
1. Compliance
If a Solar Plus Batteries system is operated under NEM 3.0, it must be configured to operate using the Import Only or Export Only modes to ensure NEM integrity and receive NEM credits for energy generated by the system.
2. System performance
Based on the Grid Connection Type and Battery Operating Mode settings, Enphase systems will automatically maximize savings for homeowners. If an Export Only system is incorrectly configured as Import Only, the savings would be significantly reduced.
In the Enphase Installer Portal, you can easily view which sites in your fleet have missing data. Navigate to the Systems tab in the Portal, and scan to see which sites are missing Grid Connection Type, Interconnection Date, or Battery Operating Mode data.
The battery mode information for a NEM 3.0 system can be found in the interconnection application with the utility.
Here are examples from the three major IoUs in California:
The PG&E online portal allows installers to view existing applications. Within an existing/PTO battery application, you can view under the battery system details whether the agreement was submitted as Yes or No to Exporting to the grid.
Yes reflects an Export Only battery system for NEM 3.0, as shown below:
Checking and modifying battery mode after PTO:
After PTO, modifications to the battery mode can be made by selecting the Upgrade an Existing Facility option. A $145 modification fee is necessary.
PG&E contact details: (877) 743-4112 or
The SCE online portal allows installers to view existing applications. Within an existing/PTO battery application, the installer can view under the battery system details whether the agreement was submitted as Yes or No to export in the Will the Generating Facility(ies) export power to SCE’s Distribution System field.
Yes reflects an Export Only battery system for NEM 3.0, as shown below:
Modifying battery mode for unsubmitted applications:
- Change Will the Generating Facility(ies) export power to SCE’s Distribution System to Yes.
- Finalize application submission.
Modifying battery mode after PTO:
- The preferred route is to email (or the assigned engineer) to request that the project in question temporarily have PTO rescinded while the change to export is studied by the utility.
- Or, create a new application with exporting to grid enabled. This requires a $94 fee.
SCE contact details: (866) 600-6290 or and
As time of publication, the online SDG&E DIIS portal does not include ESS Operating mode in its application. Instead, SDG&E requires Form 142-02775, titled Power Control Based Equipment Attestation, to be emailed to their net metering department when submitting a net metering application.
To confirm the operating mode for an existing PTO system, installers may need to find it in their sent emails or reach out to SDG&E to receive a copy. Refer to the SDGE NEM/NBT Documents and the SDG&E net metering department for current guidance.
Form 142-02775 reflecting an Export Only, non-import battery system for NEM 3.0:
Modifying the battery mode for unsubmitted applications:
Form 142-02775 may be re-filled to reflect exporting to SDG&E’s grid and submitted with the completed application.
Modifying the battery mode after PTO:
Installers must submit a new application and battery attestation form, and pay another $132 application fee. The project will need to be reviewed for potential transformer overload issues.
SDG&E contact details: (858) 636-5585 and
Net Billing Tariff (NEM 3.0) and the related settings apply only to systems interconnected with either PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, or their CCA partners offering NEM 3.0 interconnection.
NEM 3.0 settings are not applicable for Enphase systems connected to municipal utilities like SMUD, LADWP, Lodi Electric, or others that do not offer NEM 3.0 interconnection.